School Programs

Pacific Palisades Pediatric Dentistry – Offers School Programs

We enjoy working with children every day and helping them maintain good oral health and beautiful smiles.

In an effort to help teach children about the importance of oral health, we offer two school programs for pre-school and grade-school aged children. We work hard to make the programs fun and interactive for your students while at the same time teaching them about oral hygiene and nutrition. We will talk about teeth, "sugar bugs," brushing and flossing, healthy snacking, and what to expect when visiting the dentist. At the end of the presentation, each child will be given a dental goodie bag with a toothbrush and other dental supplies to take home.

The two school program options are as follows:

  • Office Visit: We will schedule a time for your school/class to come to our office to meet the pediatric dentist. We will talk to the children about the importance of taking care of their teeth. The office visit can be very beneficial for young children as it familiarizes them with the dental office setting and many times gets them excited to come back for their own visit to the pediatric dentist.

  • School Visit: We will arrange for someone from our staff to visit your school/class and give a short interactive presentation to the children about their teeth, nutrition, and oral health.

If you are interested in scheduling a dental presentation for your school or class, or if you have any have any questions about these programs or other possible presentations, please contact us at Pacific Palisades Pediatric Dentistry at: 310-459-3088, or you may simply use the form on the right.

Contact Us

We encourage you to contact us with any questions or comments you may have. Please call our office or use the quick contact form below.